What We Do
MASS DRIVE CLEAN is committed to ensuring that residents throughout Massachusetts have an opportunity to directly experience the benefits of Zero Emission Vehicles (ZEVs).

Nation's First, AND LONGEST, State-Sponsored ZEV Test Drive Campaign Event.

Sponsored by the Massachusetts Executive Office of Energy and Environmental Affairs, MassDEP, Recharge America, and REACH Strategies.

Introducing Thousands ACROSS Massachusetts to ZEVs.
Campaign Impact
Data compiled over the past years show that 10% or more of event survey respondents choose to buy or lease a ZEV as soon as six months after a particular event. Other summary data includes:
Improved Perception of ZEVs Post-Event
First-Time ZEV Drivers
First-Time ZEV Passengers
More Likely to Purchase a ZEV After the Event
Currently in its sixth year, MASS DRIVE CLEAN continues to introduce thousands of people across the state to the latest generation of ZEVs through professionally-produced test drive events and virtual engagement strategies. The campaign is continuously exploring opportunities to partner with hosts to participate in the program. The campaign builds on the Massachusetts Zero Emission Vehicle Action Plan: A Roadmap to Reach 300,000 ZEVs.
The campaign is sponsored by the Massachusetts Executive Office of Energy and Environmental Affairs and MassDEP and is offered in partnership with Recharge America and event partner REACH Strategies. If you are interested in sponsoring an event, please contact us to learn more here.